Together for diversity

Children and young people promote diversity in Berlin.
Das Projekt sensibilisiert nicht nur für Themen wie Rassismus, Inklusion und Demokratie, sondern stärkt auch den Zusammenhalt in der Gesellschaft und schafft nachhaltige Ergebnisse, die in zukünftige Initiativen einfließen
Räume gestalten und Kunst mit Botschaften zum Leben erwecken.
Die kulturelle Vielfalt dieser Bezirke, geprägt durch einen hohen Anteil an Menschen mit Migrations- und Fluchterfahrungen, bildet die ideale Grundlage, um ein lebendiges und gerechtes Zusammenleben zu fördern.
Projektphasen: Wie Jugendarbeit in Berlin Vielfalt fördert
Du bist Profi in Social Media, kreativ und hast Lust, mit Kindern und Jugendlichen

Project details

Grant donors Aktion Mensch
Target audience Children and young people
Fields Education

Project description

‘Together for diversity’ project

is a youth work initiative in Berlin that offers children, teenagers and young adults a platform to actively combat racism and discrimination.

The participants come from the Berlin districts of Neukölln, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Tempelhof-Schöneberg – regions that are known for their cultural diversity and the high proportion of people with migration and refugee experiences.

Project goals

Empowerment: Young people learn creative methods to initiate social change.
Inclusion: Promoting equal participation regardless of origin, gender or disability.
Democracy and diversity: Active youth participation creates a democratic community.


Our target groups for this youth work in Berlin

Children and young people (12-15 years):
Young people with migration or refugee experiences and/or disabilities who often experience discrimination.
Teenagers and young adults (16-23 years):
Young adults who need support in integrating into society and the world of work.

Eine breite Öffentlichkeit, die über digitale Plattformen für Themen wie Rassismus, Inklusion und Vielfalt sensibilisiert wird.

Project phases of ‘Together for Diversity’

  1. Planning phase:
    The young people work in teams to develop their own campaigns and public activities. They are supported by experts from the fields of inclusion and campaigning.
  2. Implementation phase:
    Creative implementation: participants create social media content, design posters and rehearse public actions such as flash mobs or theatre plays.
  3. First implementation phase:
    The campaigns developed are put into practice for the first time, e.g. through theatre plays, flash mobs and social media activities.
  4. Reflection and adaptation phase:
    Analysis of previous campaigns: Feedback is collected and strategies are adapted to maximise impact.
  5. Second implementation phase:
    Revised campaigns and actions are further developed to achieve greater reach.
  6. Final and sustainability phase:
    Presentation of project results at a closing event. The successes are documented and integrated into future projects.

Actively involving young people

A key feature of the project is that the young people are actively involved in its realisation. They are not only allowed to take part in the workshops, but also contribute ideas and organise their own events. Their feedback is regularly sought to ensure that the programme always meets their interests.

Youth work in Berlin as part of the project strengthens empowerment, inclusion and democratic values.

Further links:

Job offers

You are donating to : New Hope and Light e.V.

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